The Downfall of a Prideful Heart
Pride is one of the biggest causes of divorce second to finances which can also be contributed to with an abundance of pride. In our counseling practice, pride seems to be the common denominator in all marriage relationships that are struggling. Trying to get one to see their faults is difficult enough but then couple that with sharing with the couples different ways to deal with it can be equally as challenging. It seems that the men that come to counseling with their wives or significant others have the hardest time dealing with recognizing that they are prideful. Some believe that because they are the "man" in the relationship, they should have the last word and that their thoughts and feelings should carry more "weight." This faulty thinking is one that will keep us in business for a very long time.
As we look deep within our own lives and assess our own value and worth, we can begin the process to a healthier mindset. This, in turn, will allow us to celebrate others accomplishments and joy. This can be accomplished through trials in our lives or through personal counseling. We can start by searching the scriptures for answers. What do we do if we're not a member of the church or know someone who is prideful and doesn't have the knowledge we have about the scriptures? As a friend, we can help to point out the positive qualities that we or they possess. We become what we choose to focus on. When we constantly listen to negativity, discouraging thoughts from others, and focus on more of the bad in the world that the good, we will bring ourselves down and the negative feelings can propel us into feeling prideful.
When we are humble or have become humbled, we allow ourselves to see others in a good light and are in a better position to let go of the pride that is destroying our spirit and our relationships. Some of us need to evaluate ourselves more than others but I think we all need to check ourselves from time to time.
My husband is the perfect example of a humble spirit. When I become prideful and think that my way is the only right way, he is very calm and helps me see the error of my ways.

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