Tuesday, March 24, 2020

As Sands Through The Hourglass

As Sands Through The Hourglass

Image result for hour glass

So are the days of our lives

     We each have someone in our lives that is older than we are.  They may be a few years or many years. Those of us that have family members that are much older, may be responsible for their care in one way or another. How do we deal with this on a weekly or daily basis? 

     As a child, we had our needs met but one or two parents.  They may have had good days and bad.  So it is the same in caring for an elderly family member. There are many factors when caring for an aged loved one.  We must be sure that self-care is part of our daily routine. 

     In an article by Margot Lester (2019), she shares some things that we need to consider.  Our parents may be anxious and depressed.  Remember, They have just lost their independence.  This can be quite a challenge for all involved. We must be cognizant of our personal limitations and not try and take on too much. She suggests keeping a daily journal so that we can vent our positive as well as negative feelings.  This will allow us the opportunity to get things off our chest. Even if you don't plan on using an assisted living facility, check some out anyway.  Download apps on your phone such as Lyft and GrubHub.  Set timers to remind you to check in on them. Meditate even 10 minutes a day.  This will give you some much-needed stress-reducing time for yourself. 

     It will be important to remember that your parents took care of you and loved you know matter what.  Be patient with them and repeat things a million times if necessary. Remember, they taught you how to tie your shoes and use a fork and spoon.

     With today's parents having fewer children, most parents are finished with their day-to-day parenting responsibilities before they become grandparents.  Consequently, the grandparenting role has become more salient as grandparents are able to focus considerable attention on their grandchildren." Chapter 17, Supporting Families.

Image result for elderly parents

Lester, Margot, (October 2019) 6 Tips to Care for an Aging Parent from Caregivers.  Retrieved from https://www.guideposts.prt/caregiving/resource-center/6-tipe-to-care-for-an aging-parent-from-caregivers?gclid=CjwKCAjw3-bzBRBhEiwAgnnLCupSqHfPBzI7E5w3Sbo0Shb76423G4jYIaDFmYBz-2ZeMv7-tJT_hoCv20QAvD_BwE

Miller, Richard B., and Yourason, Jeremy B. “Supporting Families across Generations” Chapter 17  (Hawkins, A. J., Dollahite, D. C., & Draper, T. (2012). Chapter 17 Successful marriages and families: proclamation principles and research perspectives. Provo, UT: BYU Studies and School of Family Life, Brigham Young University.

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