Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Do you ever look next door and see your neighbor's lawn and covet that well manicured green pasture? Do you think that he or she must have some extra special miracle fertilizer they use to get their lawn looking spectacular?
What you don't see are the countless hours that that lawn owner put into having an underground sprinkler system that is second to none and for spending countless hours researching the proper watering schedule and the proper nutrients necessary in creating that spectacular lawn.
How many times have you heard someone say that the "Grass is greener on the other side" as regards a relationship? There are those that believe they could be happy if they just had that person they just met to become their spouse instead of the one they currently have. The fallacy to that is that they may not realize that they will have to put work into that relationship in order to make it successful.
What may not be realized is that "The Grass is Greener Where You Water It." What that means is whatever situation or relationship you think may be better somewhere else will also have to be nurtured and pruned or it will die as well.
When we focus on our own lawn and give it the nutrients it needs, we can have a lawn that is just as beautiful and our neighbor. Likewise, if we put as much effort into our own marriage as we do into trying to create another relationship, we will have a successful marriage as well.
What you don't see are the countless hours that that lawn owner put into having an underground sprinkler system that is second to none and for spending countless hours researching the proper watering schedule and the proper nutrients necessary in creating that spectacular lawn.
How many times have you heard someone say that the "Grass is greener on the other side" as regards a relationship? There are those that believe they could be happy if they just had that person they just met to become their spouse instead of the one they currently have. The fallacy to that is that they may not realize that they will have to put work into that relationship in order to make it successful.
What may not be realized is that "The Grass is Greener Where You Water It." What that means is whatever situation or relationship you think may be better somewhere else will also have to be nurtured and pruned or it will die as well.
When we focus on our own lawn and give it the nutrients it needs, we can have a lawn that is just as beautiful and our neighbor. Likewise, if we put as much effort into our own marriage as we do into trying to create another relationship, we will have a successful marriage as well.
Some may think that because they have great conversation with another person that they are meant for each other. They may remember the time that they spent long hours talking with their spouse in the beginning. This is one thing that drew each of them close to each other. I have found that those who quit talking, tend to drift apart. When couples stop interacting with each other or dating, they also tend to drift apart. There is a honeymoon phase that develops in all new relationships that can skew the accurate perception of a new found relationship which can ultimately give the impression that they would be happier with this other person who laughs at their jokes, asks about their dreams and goals and shares similar desires.
People fail to realize that by taking the time to focus on what they want instead of what they don't want, they will be successful in whatever they set out to accomplish. Marriage is a lot of constant effort but one that is to be fun and enjoyable. What are we doing to make sure that our own "Grass is Greener Where WE Water it?"
Stay tuned for my next blog post for some great ideas on how to accomplish this. See you soon!!!
People fail to realize that by taking the time to focus on what they want instead of what they don't want, they will be successful in whatever they set out to accomplish. Marriage is a lot of constant effort but one that is to be fun and enjoyable. What are we doing to make sure that our own "Grass is Greener Where WE Water it?"
Stay tuned for my next blog post for some great ideas on how to accomplish this. See you soon!!!